Sunday, June 23, 2013

Why am I in disbelief!?

So there is this domestic call awhile back, when doesn't matter, and as a result of an overabundance of liquid refreshments this charming couple goes into meltdown one sunny day. This little donnybrook meanders its way outside, where the man of the house proceeds to lay his mitts on not only the love of his life, but also upon their brood of future field contacts children. The unscripted throw-down draws the attention of others, who decide that maybe the police should check the whole thing out.

So a-responding I go, along with the alphabet of other law enforcement professionals who hear the call go out. But that's good, I like taking friends with me to exciting places. Anyway we all get there, and I get the story from the victim, the suspect, the neighbors, yadda yadda get the picture.

As a result, the aforementioned man of the house goes to jail in the back of a black & white while I patiently explain to Mrs. Man of the House her options (restraining order, victim assistance, etc.), all of which she agrees that she will do because she just wants out of the relationship and just can't be with someone like her husband.

Now I should be happy & content that I did my job, the Mrs is safe from the Mr, right?

Yeah right, now here is the flip side of handling domestics as a cop. After all of that, I later (the time and date are not important but it was somewhere between 23 & 25 hours) drive past the house and what do I see? The happy family back together. Like nothing ever happened. Like he never beat her or their children. You'd think that after being a cop as long as I have I would not be surprised by this. Well I am. I probably always will be. I will never understand why anyone, male or female, would stay with or return to another who physically beat or hurt them. 

Maybe I was just lucky that I was raised differently and never had to face such problems in my life.

Unfortunately, I will see this again, again and again I am sure. And I still won't understand it but will keep plugging away in the hope that maybe one day the victim will decide not to be a victim anymore.

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