Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Personal Responsibility & The Ass Clown

As a cop, I run into people who refuse to take responsibility for the really freaking stupid mistakes or crimes they commit. It’s always someone else’s fault and always someone else's pants. Take this ass clown that was arrested the other night.

Mr. Ass Clown (who we shall refer to has A.C. for this point on) decides to drink his own body weight (ok, it is a small exaggeration…sue me, I am exercising a little literary license here) in frosty alcoholic beverages one evening and decides to crash a nearby soirée. Unfortunately for A.C., the revelers at the party aren’t feeling neighborly and decide that his brand of drunken aggressiveness needs to get to stepping. A.C. is informed that he is not welcome and to leave, which our misunderstood party crasher takes as a personal insult. The resulting temper tantrum by poor A.C.  predictably leads to a little bout of fist o’ cuffs.

In a tragic twist of fate, A.C. finds himself on the receiving end of a world class beat-down, which is where the long arm of the law finds itself reaching in to settle down the assembled masses. 

And what’s worse than starting a fight? 

How about losing the fight you started AND going to jail for it? Talk about Karma being a beeotch and coming back at your sorry ass right?

What’s that? Am I kidding? Heck no. I am dead serious. Misunderstood (also bruised & bleeding) A.C. gets cuffed & stuffed into a squad and provided room and board at the County Jail. He just couldn’t understand why either. Maybe the fact that it has been alleged that he committed a battery against other people (even though he lost) or maybe it was the alleged screaming & yelling he was doing (after being whipped like a step child) towards the revelers.

Here is the whole personal responsibility (or lack thereof) thing coming into play.

He is sure that he is the victim. His reasoning (albeit through the haze of liquid intoxication) for this is because, even though he started the fight, he was the one that got beat up and therefore he is not responsible and needs to be let go.

Good try. But not working. Time for a ride in the black & white.

Here’s your striped shirt Mr. Clown, breakfast is at 8 AM, followed by a not so intimate date with this nice guy we refer to as Your Honor, who will determine what your bond will be. Have a great night sir.

Oh yeah, this lesson in personal responsibility was brought to you by your local law enforcement. And thanks for using our overnight babysitting service.

Of course I didn’t say the last part…but I wanted to.

Stay safe out there...and wear your vests!


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